Monday, September 17, 2012

Are There Not Enough Graves?

"Camp where I tell you. It will look like we are meandering aimlessly," God told Moses, adding, "I'm going to harden Pharaoh's heart one more time. ...The Egyptians are going to know I am the Lord, " God concluded.

Moses understood God's plans, but the Israelis did not.

Pharaoh gathered his chariots and pursued the Israelis. The Israelis saw the Egyptians were coming.

Wildly they ask, "Were there not enough graves in Egypt? Moses, why have you treat us like this?" 

Why was counting on God so strenuous?

Their irrational behavior, recognized as exaggeration, reflects fear. Fear reveals limited faith. Their 'embellishments' came from weak, inexperienced reasoning. Were these the early signs of a hard hearted people??

Do hard hearted people ignore faith-causing information or events?

Consider these New Testament stories.
  • There was hard-packed soil in the parable of the sower. Why was the “seed” ineffective on this soil?
  • Lazarus was joyously resurrected. But the Pharisees brushed off his resurrection, plotting to kill Jesus.
  • So intent on obedience to their Sabbath laws, they ignored the healings of Jesus.
  • Jesus gave sight to a blind man (John 9). The religious leaders interrogated him. They belittled his intelligence. They said, "...but as for this man (referring to Jesus), we do not know where He is from. Verse 30 adds, "The man answered and said to them,Well, here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where He is from, and yet He opened my eyes. ...If this man were not from God, He could do nothing.

What are preventatives to hard-heartedness?

Here are a few answers.
  1. Delight over the good luck (or blessings??) of friends.
  2. Determine if its God's blessing or the Devil's tool. Not all “blessings” are truly blessed.
  3. Thank God for every blessing. “Count your many blessings, name the one by one,” the song echos.
  4. Enjoy every event remembering it came from God.
  5. Ask God's help frequently.
  6. Acknowledge God's justice.
  7. Tell your family and friends what great things God has done for you.
  8. Study nature, and inspect His knowledge.
  9. Accept God-given joy from obedience.
  10. Before you decide God is not answering your prayer, look for alternate ways He may have already answered.
  11. Be guided by his way, and not your inferior wisdom..
  12. Ask him to build your faith.
  13. Be aware of God. Watch His doings. Find evidences of His working.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mechanic or Angel?

Bill: Jim, I was blessed so much Labor Day!

Jim: Whatcha ya' mean?

Bill: Me and some friends were on the road on Labor Day when I had car trouble. A good mechanic came to where I was, fixed the car in the heat right where I was. And it was a holiday! Get this: He did it all for free. All he wanted was a handshake.

Jim: What?

Bill: Yeah, you heard me. Amazing, huh?

Jim: Sure nuf!

Bill: Jim, do you think he was an angel, or was it just God blessing me?

Jim: Good question. Sounds like the good Lord is tak'n a likin' to ya'.

God told Moses He would harden the heart of Pharaoh so He (God) could do His signs and wonders.


"...THAT YOU MAY TELL...." and "... THAT YOU MAY KNOW... ".

What would develop if you told your family of God's working in your life?

Do you have good fortune to relish?

Tell your family and friends who God is to you, and what He has done!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rut Riding

The safe highway near my home has become dangerous, even life-threatening.

The highway department resurfaced the road using tar and pea-sized gravel, lots of gravel. For inexperienced cycle riders, gravel is a grave enemy.

After a day of traffic, the highway has four ruts and five rows of gravel. It is the five rows motorcyclists MUST stay away from. Getting out of the safe ruts and onto the treacherous rows has results ranging from a mere rough and noisy ride or a complete loss of control. The ultimate threats range from serious case of "road rash" to death.

Rut riding is the best choice.

The same is true for believers. They need the path that is clear of sins and struggles; a rut cleared by Jesus.

A Christian that wonders from the rut of Christ finds "bumps", threats of losing their marital status, integrity, composure, decision making skills, and dedication. They may experience betrayal, addictions, guilt's weights, and powerlessness to correct self. They may even renounce Christianity as foolishness.

To rut ride with Christ requires a constant focus as to where you are on life's "road". Stay in the ruts where forgiveness, hope, control, and dedication are found. Experience His loyalty,
His power, and His light weights. He will take you to the mountain tops to see His "vistas" of eternal life and God.

Be a rut-rider with Christ.