Friday, December 24, 2010


Christmas can be confusing unless we keep focused. The holiday of modern America is far too much focused on merchandising and gift giving of the THINGS, which God wants de-emphasized. The cliche is correct: Jesus is the reason for the season. And although I do not think Jesus was born on December 25th (the shepherds were watching flocks feeding on GREEN grass.), any time of year we can focus on Jesus is good.

Jesus Came 
Jesus came to this world as was foretold he would. Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah and he told us where Jesus would be born. It was Isaiah who told us of the virgin birth, a miracle by all standards.

What He Left To Come
Jesus left perfect unity with His Father. When he took on the life of a mortal, he offers eternal life. He left the prestigious position of being at God's right hand, a position he would regain after His ascension. And he forfeited his glory he had with the Father. (JOHN 17:1-5).

The Reason He Came and What That Meant
Why should he give up so much? The simplest reason is the most profound: He loves you and me. This love brought him from heaven. This love caused him to heal and cure the impossible. This love compelled him to teach us how to please God even when other people are opposed. His love prompted him to show us how we can have a hope of being with him and his Father.

But all these facets of His love do not compare with the ultimate act of love. He himself said the greatest love is one that dies the substitute death for a friend. He died in my place to appease God's wrath (ROM 1:18; 3:23) and buy me back (ransom me) from Satan. 

On December 25 it is alright to remember Jesus in a Bethlehem barn wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a feed trough. But please, go one step more. Remember: The manger was just the beginning step in a life dedicated to saving you from sin.

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