the movie "Rainman" the main character kept a journal of
all wrongs done to him. He recorded them.
of us harbor aggressions in our head or heart.
Jacob was buried, Joseph's brothers asked themselves "What
if Joseph carries a grudge?" The thought scared them
sufficiently for them to beg
once said a grudge is "the heaviest thing to carry."
- Acknowledge the problem.
- Share your feelings.
- Switch places.
- Accept what is.
- Take the positive.
project prudence and pleasantness, but Joseph's answer uncovers an
uncomplicated comprehensive course of action. Genesis 50:20 says;
for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in
order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people
can change your conflicts into peaceful, positive purposes for
others. Like Joseph said, " preserve many people." He
can take:
- unwanted marital unfaithfulness, and commission you to counsel others..
- disillusionment, and sanction you show others how to deal with disappointment.
- people's anger at you, and offer you opportunities to develop their self-control.
- alcoholism surrounding you, and allow you demonstrate resilience.
- rebellious family members, and enable you to demonstrate God's powerful, gentle perseverance.
- lies about you, and validate your use of truth as your strength.
goal of this struggle is to allow God to mature you for His use.
I will share this. Very good.