Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fort Sieged

My wife finished a historically accurate book. This is our synopsis. It is morbidly depressing.

WARNING: This is not for the easily stunned. Some depictions are disturbing.

Enemies have it easy, according to the author. All the countryside is captured or controlled. Designated magistrates have been brazenly lynched. Arrested elderly leaders are not esteemed. The apprehended youth are heartlessly worked as slaves. "It is like we have been condemned by God," he said.

Anyone braving to exit the fort breathes their last. All the farms surrounding the fort have been raided and robbed. Everyone is voiceless about the barbarity done to our wives and teenage daughters. 

But it is no better inside the fort either. A mystifying epidemic, like the plague, is everywhere. It exterminates so many. Beside the doctor's office is a pile of people, young and old. There is no boot hill for burial. Others agonize from an unidentified torment. Survivors call it "famine fever".

And where are the attorneys? There is no one to uphold order. 

The book's author illustrates a people 'beat down'.  "My prayers are quarantined in a brick box -- never getting to heaven. I am so lost. I don't know which way to go. It feels like a bear has pounced on me, or I have been gut-shot with a double barrel shotgun. I am numb," he wrote.

"I have forgotten what happiness is," he added.

Inside our outpost, hunger dominates. The enemy is starving us into surrender. Those who came from 'back east', who often ate steak and lobster tails, are now ready to eat a horse. Many trade their treasures for vittles. A lady trades pearls for pickles. Others spend 20 bucks for bread.

Hunger controls the fate of children. Kids have no vitality. Vigor is gone. Skin is purely a bag for their bones. 

The children from wealthy political families now dig down through rubbish for something to nibble. Beggarly parents are more cruel than coyotes. Coyotes suckle their young. Parents give children zilch to drink or eat. Mothers hold their children and let them die. What do you do with your dead child? "Better to be a dead soldier than a mother about to eat her child," the author commented.

In spite of the extreme tragedy, the author asserted God's kindness. His kindness has not ceased, nor His mercy consumed. "God's grace is sufficient. The Lord is my portion. I will hope in Him."

The author characterized everyone as appearing as orphans or widows. He prayed, "God, I don't know why You have forgotten us. You have rejected us. Please put us back. Let us come back. Renew us."
You have just read a synopsis of the Book of Lamentations, set in an American fort under siege in the 1870s. It was penned by Jeremiah. It was the total of Isaiah's and Jeremiah's predictions. Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah, stripped the land, raped the women, tormented the old men, exploited the young men as slaves, and starved the people into surrender. God was disciplining His people for their idolatry. The Jews experienced God's wrath.

If God treated His people like this, is it so hard to believe He will hurl people into hell for a lack of dedication to following orders from his sacrificed Son?

1 comment:

  1. It is pretty gut wrenching to realize the results of sin as a whole...that Jerusalem fell because the people had turned to idols.
    And yet...I struggle with why children suffered the punishment that should have been (IMHO) for the parents only.
    However, we must remember that God sees things from a different perspective. My only hope was that for the children, the suffering was over quickly, and that God took them to a better place.


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