Sunday, December 19, 2010

Making Comments

In the last few days I received an email from a reader who wants to make comments. He says he has tried repeatedly, but is unable.

Meanwhile, I have tried to determine the problem. I have entered comments and have no problem. Another person, whom I know, has been making comments successfully (as you may/may not have read).

So, help me determine if things are working like they should or not.

Would you please attempt to enter a comment? Here is what you put in. Either 1)Works for me; or 2) It is working.  That is it. Just those few words will help US determine if there is an extensive problem that needs further research.

If IT DOES NOT WORK, then send me an email saying "IT DOES NOT WORK!"  You can either click the link or send it to:

Thanks so much for your help.


Place your comments here. They will be moderated. I reserve the right to reject any comment before displaying. I will email you (if I have your address) if there is a problem.